Will multiple fish recipes exceed heavy metals?

No, we use a variety of white fish and salmon as the main raw materials. They are in the middle and low layers of the food chain, without metal enrichment, and the mercury content is very low. They are very healthy and delicious, and they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and many important nutrients, which can bring healthy skin and beautiful hair to pets.

Are multiple meat formulas easy to cause allergies?

No, the main protein of a variety of meat formulas comes from poultry meat, which is the most original recipe for cats and dogs, and the probability of allergies is extremely low. At the same time, we added potatoes, lentils, cranberries and other fruits and vegetables. The whole series does not have corn, soybeans, and other grains. It is delicious that meets the original nutritional needs of pets.

How does your formula compare to other brands?

1. We add a lot of fresh poultry and fish, they are not frozen. 2. The protein content of each formula is different, which can meet the nutritional needs of different pets, and the suitable one is the best. 3. All our books, vegetables and fruits are provided by local Canadian suppliers, and freshness is our pursuit.

How should I change food?

"Any dietary changes (between two different brands or between different tastes) must be done gradually. When pets are sensitive to changes in diet, sudden changes can cause intestinal disturbances or digestive disorders (vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, looseness or watery Stool, stomach pain). Factors that cause discomfort (type of protein, fat content, fiber content, grains).
Recommended grain change steps: add 10% new grain and mix with old grain on the first day. Gradually increase the proportion every day, and the proportion will be 20% the next day, and the replacement will be completed in 7 days. If your pet has an uncomfortable reaction to changing food, please increase the food changing cycle. "

Where do the ingredients for pink diamonds come from?

High-quality products are derived from high-quality ingredients, and each of our raw material suppliers undergoes the most stringent certification process to ensure their quality and safety. In order to ensure the freshness of the ingredients, we choose excellent local agricultural product suppliers in Canada.

Is the food still good after the expiry date?

We can guarantee the freshness of a product until the expiry date written on the bag only. After this date, we are unable to determine if this product can be consumed without risk tp pet's health. 
One thing is certain, as time goes, it increases the likelihood that some products will be rancid. The level of vitamins may have gone down and the taste may be altered over time, drastically reducing palatability and overall performance of the food.
We do not recommend to offer our foods beyond this expiry date.